Category: Personal Projects

  • A-10 Warthog Simulator…circa 2012

    A-10 Warthog Simulator…circa 2012

    This is an old photo but wanted to post a pic of how the desk flight simulator used to look back in 2012. There are 3 27″ DELL U2711 monitors up top and a 22″ touchscreen DELL monitor below. The system is running DCS A-10 simulator which is an amazing sim with incredible fidelity and realism.  Just…

    Read more: A-10 Warthog Simulator…circa 2012
  • First Solo Flight

    First Solo Flight

    August 11th, 2017 First Solo Flight San Carlos Airfield KSQL San Carlos Flight Center Cessna 172S  N236SP

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  • Wireless Cat Feeder Update

    Wireless Cat Feeder Update

    Nothing is ever as simple as first seems. Although my new Wireless Cat Feeder has been operating brilliantly, the cat was still often waking us up for pre-dawn breakfast.  Although I would grab my phone from the bedside table and hit the ‘Feed Cat’ button, the cat was unable to grasp the concept that food was now…

    Read more: Wireless Cat Feeder Update
  • Wireless Cat Feeder

    Wireless Cat Feeder

    We have been looking after a cat for quite a little while now.  He is a sweet, gentle Russian Blue with a very good nature, however he has a habit of waking us up with meowing and scratching at 4am to tell us he wants his breakfast. We made a number of attempts to find…

    Read more: Wireless Cat Feeder
  • Samsung Galaxy opens doors

    A little while ago I was interviewed on the radio here in Australia about ways in which people are using their phones that the tech pundits never anticipated. I spoke about the phone increasingly becoming an intersection point for the real and virtual worlds; a kind of remote control for more and more things in your…

    Read more: Samsung Galaxy opens doors
  • Digital house keys via SMS

    I had been considering this project for a while: the ability to send a link to someone they can use on their smartphone to open our front door.  Useful for deliveries or when friends or family come over while you are not home.  For example I recently had a friend come and stay while we…

    Read more: Digital house keys via SMS
  • Arducopter drone maiden

    Finally had a nice sunny day to take my Arducopter for it’s first flight! It is not as stable as I thought it would be; most of the flying time I had it in ‘loiter’ mode which attempts to maintain a position based on GPS and altitude (using either barometer or sonar).  Even so as…

    Read more: Arducopter drone maiden
  • Siri, let me in!

    I have been playing around with SiriProxy which provides a mechanism to override spoken commands to Siri on an iPhone 4s. Normally when you talk to Siri your iPhone sends the voice packets off to an Apple server which interprets them into words and then tries to interpret what you mean.  It then sends a response back…

    Read more: Siri, let me in!
  • Arducopter drone build

    My recent obsession with Arduino brought me back to an old interest: autonomous flight! I totally love the open source community and the great stuff that people throw in together on…such as DIY Drones. DIY Drones is a community built project using Arduino microcontroller to control a multi-rotor helicopter (though it also can control a…

    Read more: Arducopter drone build
  • Custom Computer Watercooling

    I have been running Eyefinity for a while over three screens at 1080 lines of resolution limited by a Samsung 1080 monitor either side of my Dell 2711 27inch monitor.  However I was able to upgrade the two side montiors to match the middle meaning the whole lot can now run at native reoslution giving…

    Read more: Custom Computer Watercooling

About Me

I’m a self-confessed geek and curious about everything; I enjoy trying new things in a wide variety of fields.
My interests run from flying, sailing, music, electronics, astronomy and software to travel, hiking and camping.

I’m a management consultant specializing in digital business, change management, innovation, leadership and business ecosystems.

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